engaging in trade from 540 CE; declined in the 7th c. ODB 1488, M.M. Mango; OCD3
1046, J. Whatmough; BAGRW 87-D3; BNP 9 (2006) 777–779, K. Kessler; A.H. Becker,
Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom (2006) 41–97, 197–203; EJ2 15.276, E. Ashtor and
M. Beer.
A, M, S S.
Nola (mod. Nola; 40 ̊ 56 ’ N, 14 ̊ 32 ’ E): old city in Campania, perhaps founded by Khalkis
or by Etruscans, on the other side of Mt. Vesuuius from Neapolis (with whom early
relations were good), and south-west of Beneventum; under Rome from 312 BCE;
resisted Hannibal in 215 and 212 BCE. PECS 627 – 628, L. Richardson, Jr.; OCD3 1047,
H.K. Lomas; BAGRW 44-G4; BNP 9 (2006) 790–791, E. Olshausen and V. Sauer.
M P.
Nouum Comum (mod. Como; 45 ̊ 49 ’ N, 09 ̊ 05 ’ E): at south end of Como lake, ca 45 km
north of Mediolanum, under Rome from the early 1st c. BCE; moved to the new site
by C. PECS 234 – 235, M. Mirabella Roberti; OCD3 375, J.B. Ward-Perkins and
T.W. Potter; BAGRW 39-E2; BNP 3 (2003) 678–679, A. Sartori.
P S.
Nusa (mod. Sultanhisar; 37 ̊ 53 ’ N, 28 ̊ 09 ’ E): Karian city at the north edge of the plain of
the Maiandros river, east of Tralleis, and west of Antioch on the Maiandros; Seleukid
in the 3rd c. BCE; prosperous under Rome from 88 BCE. S B,
s.v., lists ten homonyms; PECS 636 – 637, G.E. Bean; BAGRW 61-G2; BNP 9 (2006) 930–931,
H. Kaletsch.
I, S.
Nussa (mod. Nevs ̧ehir?; 38 ̊ 37 ’ N, 34 ̊ 43 ’ E): old city of Kappadokia, near Caesarea;
no history before the middle-Byzantine period seems to be known. RE 17.2 (1937) 1662,
W. Ruge; ODB 1506 – 1507, C.F.W. Foss; BAGRW 63-D3; BNP 9 (2006) 931, K. Strobel.
Oasis (mod. al-Khargah; ca 25 ̊ 15 ’N, 30 ̊ 35 ’ N): region of Egypt 200 km west of the far
upper Nile, an “island” (its meaning in Egyptian) in the desert. BAGRW 79-B2. (Contrast
the older Oasis Parva, mod. Bahariya Oasis, BAGRW 73-F5.)
Oinoanda (mod. I·ncealiler; 36 ̊ 48 ’ N, 29 ̊ 34 ’ E): city in Lukia, a colony of Termessos,
founded ca 200 BCE. PECS 640 – 641, G.E. Bean; OCD3 1062, St. Mitchell; BAGRW 65-C4;
BNP 10 (2007) 51, H. Elton.
Olunthos (mod. Olinthos/Nea Olunthos; 40 ̊ 17 ’ N, 23 ̊ 21 ’ E): coastal city of Khalkidike ̄
near Poteidaia, occupied by Thrakians until expelled by the Persians in favor of Greeks
(H 8.127). Fearing Sparta, allied with Philip II of Macedon in 357, but fearing
his power intrigued with Athens, and was destroyed in 348 BCE. PECS 651 – 652,
J.W. Graham; OCD3 1067, N.G.L. Hammond; BAGRW 50-D4; BNP 10 (2007) 119–120,
M. Zahrnt.
Opous (mod. Atalandi; 38 ̊ 49 ’ N, 23 ̊ 00 ’ E): coastal city and capital of East Lokris, north-
east of Huampolis, opposite Euboia; allied with Sparta in the 5th c. BCE. BAGRW 55-E3;
BNP 10 (2007) 178–179, G. Daverio Rocchi.
Ostia (mod. Ostia; 41 ̊ 45 ’ N, 12 ̊ 18 ’ E): port city of Rome, at the mouths (ostia) of the
Tiber river; razed by Marius 87 BCE, then by pirates 68 BCE; rebuilt by C, Tiberius,