The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs

(Ron) #1


These Greek terms were in some cases used over many centuries, and their meanings shifted; we give here
a basic definition, but in each case consultation of relevant dictionaries and other reference works is recom-
mended. Terms are entered here if used thrice or more within the encyclopedia, and if their translation is
ambiguous or complex. Within a glossary-entry, cross-references to main entries indicate those which provide
further documentation; following each glossary-entry is a list of main-entries in which the relevant term is
found. We provide a representative not complete bibliography.
We owe a debt of gratitude to 14 contributors who assisted in composing this Glossary: Bernard, Fischer,
Hallum, Hellmann, Jones, Karamanolis, McCabe, Opsomer, Rochberg, Scarborough, Touwaide, Tybjerg,
Wilson, and Zhmud. See also the MANUSCRIPTS, immediately following the Glossary.

Academy P’s school in Athens, closed 529 CE. Scholars generally divide its history
in three phases, with “Middle” commencing with E  A, and
“Late” or “Neo” commencing with P. An emphasis on, or at least admiration
for, mathematics and astronomy persisted. No actual institution existed from ca 88 BCE
to ca 410 CE; we nevertheless list here both all those attested to have been members or
adherents of the school. Alan Cameron, “The last days of the Academy at Athens,”
PCPS 195 (1969) 7–29; J. Glucker, Antiochus and the late academy (1978); BNP 1 (2002)
41 – 46, Th.A. Szlezák.
Entries on Academics: A (2), A (?), A  S,
A, A, A A, A  A ( 
H), A  M, A Q, A,
A  T, A  K, A, B  C,
B, C, C L, M C, D,
D, D (M. II), D, D, E 
A, E  K, G (P.), H  A,
H, H P, I  K, I
P, K, K, K, M  N, M
V, N  A, O, O, P. B.
9782 , P  L, P  O, P  A, P,
P   N, P, P  A, P
 T, P  L, P  L, P (P.),
C S, S, S J, S  A,
S  A, S, T, T, T 
A, T  S, M T, T. A.,
T, T, T, X  K.

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