sambuke ̄ scaling ladder, with mechanical elevator
(winch or screw), often used on ships; cf. B,
D K, H T,
and M (M.).
sarkokolla an Astragalus species, used in styptic or
clotting ointments: D, MM 3.85;
G, Simples 8.18.4 (12.118 K.); Wood and
LaWall 1926: 1463; Miller 1969: 101; Usher 1974:
68; André 1985: 227 (identifies as A. fasciculifolius
Boiss.); Durling 1993: 287 (follows André).
See also: H (M.), P, S
scholarch: head of a school, such as the Academy,
Peripatos, Stoa, or Garden; elected usually for a
Entries on scholarchs: A A,
A R, A T-
, A A, A
I, A, A T,
B, B S (P.), C, D B,
E, H P, H, H R,
I, I, K, K, K, K,
L, L T, M N, M L-
(?), M, P R, P, P, P
A, P (?), P, P A, P
L, S A, S L, S, T-
, X K, Z K, Z S.
See also: A, A A, E R.
shelf-fungus (Grk. agarikon) any of several tree-fungi, probably Fomes officinales
Bresadola: D, MM 3.1; G, Simples 6.1.5 (11.813–814 K.); Durling
1993: 1; G. Maggiuli, Nomenclatura Micologica Latina (1977).
See also: A, A, D, D (P.), I
(P.), P M.
silphion (Lat.: silphium and laserpicium) a Ferula species, now apparently extinct
due to a supposed over-harvesting, native to Kure ̄ne ̄, whose juice was widely-used in
pharmacy: D, MM 3.80; G, Simples 8.18.16 (12.123 K.); NP 11
(2001) 561, C. Hünemörder; Touwaide (2006).
See also: A, B, C (A.), I M,
M (P.), M A, P (M.), P
(M. II), T G.
Sino ̄pian earth/ocher ruddle (red iron oxide) found near Sino ̄pe ̄ (see Gazetteer), and
used medicinally: T, Lapid. 52; D, MM 5.96.
See also: A, A, H, H, L, M
skordion a Teucrium species, “water germander”, astringent and bitter: D,
MM 3.111; G, Simples 8.18.25 (12.125–126 K.); Usher 1974: 572–573; André
1985: 231 (#1); Durling 1993: 293 (follows André).
Sagape ̄non, Mount Athos
F. 142R