I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
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Strategy Models

The intentional or unintentional behavior a person relies on for
conflict and influence has a downside that gives you clues to what
is really going on in his head: the model is not all encompassing. The
supporting body language is often missing. You can detect irregulari-
ties. When the model does not work, the person may flounder in
attempts to be convincing.

The Holy Warrior
This person creates an image that is beyond reproach by bonding
to a Cause. Simply being associated with the Cause assuages his
guilt in other areas. If you manage to attack his behavior, he will
quickly become indignant—chin up, enunciating more clearly—so
that you understand his point of view because, obviously, you must
have missed it the first time. He stays on topic, which is the Cause,
and off of topics or discussions that raise questions about whether
or not he has the knowledge and skills to say what he’s saying. This
is commonly used by the moral hijackers among the super-typical,
who understand little about the whole issue, but lift themselves to
the role of saint for the Cause.

I’m Just a Girl
This is most often used by women in a male-dominated indus-
try. Younger women might also use it successfully against someone
who is matronly and self-consumed. The woman can play up the
most feminine of her characteristics and emotional (weak) body
language to look vulnerable and more feminine. This body language
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