I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

268 I Can Read You Like a Book

anything in common, but you can start the conversation by at least
appearing to care that she hates avocados. Mirror body language
to make the person feel closer to you.
The next step you take is reading body language for signs of
acceptance, if not attraction. You already know the basics for
ƒ The opening of space to you.
ƒ Body language supporting verbal messages.
ƒ Timing and distance that signal “positive,” that is, using
body language to connect as opposed to repel you.
When you actually have a connection and there is sexual inter-
est, your behavior should be in synch with your mood. Males have
more of a tendency to speak quieter. Both men and women will
have more blood flow to the mucosa, resulting in fuller lips and
flushed cheeks. The pupils dilate to draw in more of a good thing.
Both men and women may slow the rate of speech to be softer and
more appealing. Unconscious mirroring becomes rampant. As a
test to see where you are, consciously introduce an inconspicuous
movement just to see if it is mirrored. If so, you have a green light.

Committed relationships

Many committed relationships start on faulty ground. There
are no clearly defined expectations or entitlements. Most arguments,
fights, and hard feelings result from one or both of the parties feeling
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