I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

Index 283

movement, 151-159
energy and, 160
male, 169-170
overall, 159-160
patterns, 151
Mr. Spock, 76
muscle memory and movement, 157
neck, rubbing of the, 98
Newman, Cathy, 111
Nixon and historical memory,
Richard, 222-223
non-verbal communication, 27, 28
and baselining, the, 192-194
norm, determining an
individual’s, 188-189
nose, the, 88-89
O’Reilly, Bill, 226-228, 236
and regulators, 119
Old Guard, the, 169
posture, 143
openness and barriering, 147
openness, 144-151
“pain muscle,” the, 71-72
passive observation, 115
pauses, awkward, 257
percentages and reading body
language, 22-23
Peters, Bernadette, 96-97
points to remember, 274-275
posture, 143-144
gender differences in, 149-150
prejudice, pop culture, 181
projection, 182-186
pupils, the, 82

Queen Elizabeth, 141-142
R.E.A.D., described, 18
reading body language, getting
good at, 66-67
regulators, 67-68, 234
examples of, 119
regulators in conversation, 232-233
relationships, committed, 268-270
reproductive system and human
behaviors, 169
risks, physical, 166
rites of passage, 53-55
rituals, 124-126
Roberts, Julia, 96
role models, modern, 50
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 107
as the alpha, 46
Rumsfeld, Donald, 217, 236, 244
salespeople, body-language
primer on dealing with, 262-263
salute, military, 146
scalp-to-toe elements, 130
scarification, 54
secretiveness as mood or
emotion, 139-140
SERE (Survival Evasion
Resistance Escape)
school, 11, 262
Sex and the City, 108, 225
shoes and body language, 111-113
shoulders, the, 98
of discomfort, 96
of recognition, 95
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