I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
R Review From Scalp to Soles 81


A 16th century proverb calls the eyes the windows to the soul.
More than 500 years later, the proverb has assumed the stature of
gospel. When you really understand the eyes, you’ll see how close
the proverb is to the mark.


Moving down the face, we come to areas that surface a lot of
involuntary and universal body language: the eyes and areas along
the edges of the eyes.

When you do a fake
smile, the muscles in the
temple area do not move.
When you smile up to
your eyes—a real
smile—they crinkle.
Only a very small per-
centage of the popula-
tion can effect that kind
of smile and not mean it.

A baby’s smile offers
the most genuine vision
of happiness on the
planet. Nothing is fil-
tered.Nothing is faked.

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