I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
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Pupils dilate naturally for several reasons, among them are
attraction, fear, and interest. When a human sees something
attractive sexually, the eyes dilate to get as much of a good thing
as possible. Watch the eyes of a heterosexual teenage boy getting
his first look at a naked woman.
In the peripheral nervous system, the sympathetic prepares us
for fight or flight. The parasympathetic is a breaking mechanism
that calms and places us in an un-aroused state. The arousal can be
anytime we are in a new situation or a situation perceived as a
threat. One of the results of the sympathetic kicking in is that the
pupils dilate to take in more data about the threat.
In a normal state of arousal, human pupils are neither dilated
nor pinpointed; they are somewhere in between. Pinpointed pupils
usually indicate a person does not like what he is looking at, and it
can be part of the complex of facial actions that signal rage.
When pupils flash, the sympathetic and parasympathetic are at
odds. The sympathetic dilates and the parasympathetic relaxes, so
flashing can be continuous or an immediate flash, and then gone.
Excitement can cause dilation or pulsing, and so can stress.

Eye movement
Eye movement signals you are looking for answers inside
your head. The visual cortex is at the back of the brain, so when
recalling an image, your eyes will drift upward. The portions of
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