Building a Better Vocabulary
pilloried pablum Lecture 17 gerrymandering luddite malapropism billingsgate quisling draconian/bedlam quixotic Lecture 18 p ...
$QVZHUVWR5HYLHZ4XHVWLRQV Induction is the process of inferring general principles from individual facts; deduction is the pr ...
Lecture 21 Both words can mean “to relinquish power,” but abdicate is usually UHVHUYHGIRURI¿FHVRIKLJKHUSRZHUVXFKDVDNL ...
$QVZHUVWR5HYLHZ4XHVWLRQV Lecture 23 bravado braggadocio chutzpah/moxie temerity intrepid pusillanimous craven fortitude timo ...
Lecture 25 perdition/extirpate Regicide is the murder of a ruler (king or queen); patricide is the murder of one’s father; and ...
$QVZHUVWR5HYLHZ4XHVWLRQV argot lingua franca discursive sobriquet jargon The vernacular is the language of the common people ...
Lecture 29 Both salubrious and salutary can describe something that’s good for your health, but salutaryFDQDOVRGHVFULEHVRPH ...
$QVZHUVWR5HYLHZ4XHVWLRQV Lecture 31 Children in the alphabetic layer have a tacit logic underlying their spelling; they oper ...
Lecture 34 schadenfreude/bête noire weltschmerz/zeitgeist éminence grise doppelgänger mugwump Lecture 35 sangfroid agent prov ...
$QVZHUVWR5HYLHZ4XHVWLRQV peckish sockdolager SURÀLJDWH feckless evanescent ...
Glossary of Target Words Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. abdicate (verb) to renounce or relinquish a throne ...
Glossary of Target Words Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. apostate (noun) a person who abandons his or her r ...
Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. bunk (noun) foolish, untrue talk; nonsense 16 cabal (noun) 1. a small group ...
Glossary of Target Words Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. coterie (noun) a small, often select group of peop ...
Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. éPLQHQFHJULVH (noun) a powerful decision maker or advisor who operates be ...
Glossary of Target Words Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. IRPHQW (verb) WRVWLUXSLQFLWHURXVHSURYRNH ...
Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. +REVRQ¶VFKRLFH (noun phrase) a choice between what is available and nothin ...
Glossary of Target Words Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. insouciant (adjective) free from concern, worry, o ...
Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. PDOIHDVDQFH (noun) an illegal or harmful act, XVXDOO\FRPPLWWHGE\DSXEOLF ...
Glossary of Target Words Target Word and Part of Speech 'H¿QLWLRQ LECTURE No. PXJZXPS (noun) 1. a person, especially a politicia ...
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