Building a Better Vocabulary

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z The commercially published game Taboo is excellent for
creative ways.
ż This game is similar to Clue Review in that one player gives
his or her partner clues to a target word printed on a card.
However, there are a number of taboo words that the clue giver
is not allowed to use in giving clues, and these words are the
ones that come to mind most readily as clues.

ż For example, imagine that you’re the clue giver and you choose
you think of might be “1960s president,” but president would
probably be one of the taboo words, as would assassination,
Bay of Pigs, Jacqueline Kennedy, and JUDVV\NQROO. As the clue
to the target words to avoid using the taboo words.

target words in this course, it has a great deal in common with


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