
(Brent) #1
corridors (cont’d)
recovery 323 –4
Red Data Book 332–3
corax95, 175
monedula 175
Coryphanta robbinsorum 251
cougar 176
counts 219 –34
change of ratio 235 –6
incomplete 239 –41
index ratio 235
indices 241–3
indirect 235 –41
mark-recapture 236–9
sample 221–34
total 219–20
cowbird, brown-headed 174, 193, 314,
coyote 34 –5, 367
coypu 15, 51
sandhill 54
whooping 325
Creatophora cinerea 154
creosote bush 17
crocodile 39
Crocuta crocuta 156
crossbill 40
Culex quinquefasciatus 192
Cupressus 14
Cyanocitta cristata 42
cycles 125 –6
cyclic dynamics 198
atratus 375
olor 109
leucurus 317
ludovicianus 156

Dactylanthus taylorii 370
Dama dama67, 243, 363
Damaliscus korrigum 53
Danaus plexippus 42
Dasypus novemcinctus 27
decisions 2–7
action matrix 4 –5
analysis 4
feasibility 5 – 6
hierarchies 5 –7
payoff 6


black-tailed 38, 40, 45, 131
fallow 67, 243, 362 –3
mule 30, 48 –9, 51, 55 – 6, 152, 292
red 30, 31, 68, 91, 118, 119 , 156, 347,
357, 357
roe 76
rusa 229
sika 30
white-tailed 27, 30, 51, 70, 114, 160 –1,
177, 190, 192, 194, 211, 292, 362
deermouse 139
degrees of freedom 283
deme 30
demographic parameters 82
age-specific mortality rate qx 82
age-specific survival rate px 83
fecundity rate mx 82
life table 82– 4
probability of mortality at birth dx 82
probability of survivorship at birth lx 82
demographic stochasticity 123
demography 289
Dendroica petechia 161
density dependence 110 –14, 112–13, 119 ,
133, 211
delayed 114, 120, 120
density-dependent births 111–14
density-dependent deaths 111–14
density-dependent population growth 256
inverse 114
overcompensation 125 – 6
density independence 112, 112–13
depensatory response 114
desert 17
dibatag 17
Diceros bicornis34, 369
marsupialis 24
virginiana 174
and bioelectrical impedance 57– 8
and blood 57
and body condition 53 – 6
and fat 53 – 6, 58
problems 58
selection of 52–3
and urine 57
diet selection 60 – 6
optimal feeding rates 63 –5
optimal linear programming 65 – 6
optimal selection contingency 60 –3

WECD04 08/17/2005 04:57PM Page 454

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