
(Brent) #1

overcompensation 125 –8
Ovibos moschatus25, 176, 317
Ovis 25
canadensis44, 95, 152, 176, 189
dalli 95
great horned 12, 41
snowy 16, 95
spotted 313, 383
oystercatcher 74, 310

panda, giant 23, 41, 49, 60
Pandion haliaetus95, 222
panmixia 31
Panolis flammea 358
leo34, 373
pardus169, 315
tigris 315
uncial 16
paradox of enrichment 199
parakeet 306
parameter estimation 258 –63
parasites, effects of 179 –80
and biological control 194 –5
and captive breeding 193 –4
and conservation 191– 4
and control of pests 194 –5
and ecosystems 190
habitat alteration 193
and host communities 190 –1
interactions 190
introductions 191–3
regulation of host 188 –9
Parelaphostrongylus tenuis190, 192
parks, conservation 324 –32, 325
advantages 325
as benchmarks 325
and community conservation 325 , 332
and corridors 329 –30
culling in 332
disadvantages 325
as ecological baselines 325
effects of area 327–9, 327– 8
initial conditions 330 –1
processes 326 –7
purposes 324 –6
size or number 329
parrot, Puerto Rican 193, 322–3
chukar 162
English 118 –19, 119

Parus 168
ater 358
cristatus 313
major62, 73, 118, 119 , 184
Passer domesticus54, 162
passion flower 42
Pasteurella 189
patch use 310
pathogens, endemic 184 –6
birth rate 184
food and predators 184
with food supply 184 –5
mortality 184
poultry 188
with predators 185 –6
Pelecitus roemeri 192
penguin 22
Peraxilla tetrapetala 370
Perdix perdix 118
Perognathus 17
intermedius149 –50
penicillatus149 –50
Peromyscus 172
eremicus149, 150
maniculatus 139
perturbation 117
Petaurus 22
petrel, great-winged 357– 8
Petrogale 315
penicillata 176
xanthopus 161
Phascolarctos cinereus49, 187, 332
Phasianus colchicus 194
pheasant, ring-necked 194
phenols 41
phenotype 20
Phocoena phocoena 232
phylogenetic constraints 23
Phyloscopus trochiloides 31
physiognomy 11
Pica pica 175
abies 12
glauca 12
Picoidestridactylus 313
Picusviridis 95
pig 182, 307– 8, 308 , 316, 360, 367,
pika 16
jack 375
Monterey 13

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