
(Brent) #1

prickly pear 17
Pristiphora ericksonii 169
Procyon lotor174, 188
profitability 61
Promerops cafer 15
pronghorn antelope 16, 26, 56, 146, 220,
242, 374
Protea 14
protein 37, 51
peregrinus 51
pseudo-replication 278
Pseudotsuga douglasii 13
ptarmigan 16
rock 95
Pteridium aquilinum 190
Pterodroma macroptera 357
Puccinellia phryganoides 157
Puffinus griseus 174
Puma concolor 176
px 83
Pycnonotus goiavier 4
Pygosceles adeliae 220

quagga 29
quail 272
quasi-extinction 300
Quercus13 –15
robur 158
wislizenii 131
qx 82

cottontail 53, 158, 238
European 44, 94, 161–2, 169, 172, 174,
176, 187, 191, 194 –5, 278, 278 ,
359 –60, 362–3, 367, 374
marsh 241
rabbit hemorrhagic disease 187, 189
rabies 188
raccoon 174, 188
rainfall in Australia 205
batis 369
laevis 369
Rangifer tarandus16, 369, 372
Raphiceros campestris 52
Raphus cucullatus 370
rat 359–60, 370
black 176, 315, 316
cotton 95

Pacific 373
Polynesian 316
rate of increase 78 – 82
allometric relationship 82
annual (λ) 79
in caribou 81
exponential (r) 79
intrinsic (rm) 81
exulans316, 373
rattus176, 315
raven 95
red deer 68, 118 –19, 309
redpoll 143
hoary 95
Redunca 52
reedbuck 52, 147
regression 123, 255, 257
deviates around 257
by predators 171–3
top-down and bottom-up 371–3
regulation of populations 109 –31
applications of 120 –1
birth and death rates 115 –16
carrying capacity 114 –15
cycles, chaos, stability 125 –31
delayed and inverse 114
density dependence 111–12
evidence for 116 –20
examples of 118 –20
limitation 112
logistic model 121–5
mean density 117–18, 118
perturbation experiments 116 –17
regulation 113 –14
stability 109 –10
theory of 111–16
reindeer 68, 118, 119 , 164 –5, 347
reintroduced species 99 –104
diffusive spread 99–102
exponential growth 102 –3
tests of theory 103 – 4
replicates 273, 275
reproductive value 249 –50
residual variation 257, 259 –62
resource definition 196
resource partitioning
applied aspects 159 –62
catena 155
habitat selection 149 –51
habitat selection theory 151–3

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