Th e Elements and uncertainties in Heiberg’s edition 131
Editions and translations of commentators
Pappus of Alexandria
Th omson , W. and G. Junge (eds.) ( 1930 ) Th e Commentary of Pappus on Book X of
Euclid’s Elements , Edited and translated W. Th omson , comm. G. Junge and
W. Th omson. Cambridge, Mass. (Reprinted. New York 1968.)
Th eon of Alexandria
Mogenet , J. and Tihon , A. (eds.) ( 1985 ) Le ‘grand commentaire’ de Th éon
d’Alexandrie aux Tables faciles de Ptolémée , Livre i , Studi e Testi 315.
Vatican City.
Proclus Lycaeus
Friedlein , G. (ed.) ( 1873 ) Procli Diadochi in primum Euclidis Elementorum librum
Commentarii. Leipzig. (Reprinted: Hildesheim 1967.)
Abû ‘Abdallâh Muhammad ibn ‘Isâ al-Mâhânî, Risâla li-al-Mâhânî fî al-mushkil
min amr al-nisba (Épitre d’al-Mâhânî sur la diffi culté relative à la question du
rapport). Edition and French translation in Vahabzadeh 1997. (Reprinted,
with English translation, in Vahabzadeh 2002: 31 –52.)
Abû ‘Abdallâh Muhammad ibn ‘Isâ al-Mâhânî, Tafsîr al-maqâla al-‘âshira min
kitâb Uqlîdis. Edition and French translation ( Explication du Dixième Livre de
l’ouvrage d’Euclide ) in Ben Miled , M. ( 2005 ) Opérer sur le continu: Traditions
arabes du Livre X des Éléments d’Euclide. Carthage: 286–92 [completed with
an anonymous commentary, ibid .: 296 –333].
Abû Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarhân al-Fârâbî , Sharh al-mustaglaq
min musâdarât al-maqâla al-ûlâ wa-l-hâmisa min Uqlîdis. Hebrew
translation by Moses ibn Tibbon in Freudenthal 1988.
Arnzen , R. (ed.) ( 2002 ) Abû l-‘Abbâs an-Nayrîzî, Exzerpte aus (Ps.-?)Simplicius’
Kommentar zu den Defi nitionen, Postulaten und Axiomen in Euclids
Elementa I, eingeleitet, ediert und mit arabischen und lateinischen Glossaren
versehen von R. Arnzen. Cologne.