The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

Index 595

ad-Dîn at-Tûsî), 89, 106, 109, 117, 120,
Tybjerg, K., 300
Tycho Brahe, 275

uniformity, 13, 15, 26, 57–8, 435, 442
unit(s), 311–26, 436, 452, 460–6, 468–70, 472,
spatial confi gurations of units, 33, 313–16
unknown, 35, 57, 328, 331, 334–6, 349–50
upapatti (Sanskrit), 249, 487, 489, 498,
Ur, 384, 386–7, 406, 411
Uruk, 387, 406, 410
utility, 298–9

Vahabzadeh, B., 87, 131, 132, 134
value, 4, 10, 19, 28, 62,
attached to rigour, 17
Van der Waerden, B. L., 363
Van Haelst, J., 84, 134
variant, 84, 88–92, 92–4, 98–9
global/local, 89–91, 93
philological variants/deliberate alterations,
84, 88
post-factum explanations, 95–8, 120
Veldhuis, N., 408
Ver Eecke, P., 163, 186, 311, 323
v e r i fi cation, 5, 44, 51, 260, 271, 274, 399,
410–12, 414–15, 417, 488, 498, 503–7
Vesalius, 381
Vidal, D., 241, 256, 259
Vieta, F., 328
Vietnam, 54–5, 511, 523–4, 537, 541
Vietnamese system of state education, 523
Vija-Ganita , see Bija-Ganita
Vitrac, B., 22–3, 69–134, 136–7, 202
Volkov, A., 1, 44, 53–6, 60, 423, 452, 486, 509,
513, 515, 519–24, 526, 529, 531, 535,
v o l u m e
of the cone, 426–52, 468
of the cylinder, 445, 455
of the regular tetrahedron, 501–2
see also pyramid
von Braunmühl, A., 279
Vu Tam Ich, 523

Wagner, D. B., 12, 17
Wallis, J., 6, 12, 254, 288
W a n g L a i ྦટ, 557
Wang Ling, 57, 67, 550
Wang Xiaotong , 517–18, 533, 535

ways of thinking
Greek, 275
Indian, 275
weighting coeffi cients, 525–7
Weissenborn, H., 79, 134
Weitzmann, K., 170
Wertheim, P., 323
Wessel, C., 381
Whewell, W., 5, 11, 67
Whish, C. M., 7
Whittaker, J.,
Widmaier, R., 3, 67
William of Moerbeke, 146, 164–5, 176
m a n u s c r i p t Vatican Ottob. 1850 , see
manuscripts (Latin)
Wilson, N., 70, 71, 72, 134
Wittgenstein, L., 327
Woepcke, F., 85–6, 279, 286
W o l ff , C., 382
Wong Ngai-Ying, 513
Woodside, A. B., 523
Writing on computations with counting rods , see
Suan shu shu
Writing on reckoning, see Suan shu shu
written versus oral, see oral versus written
Wu cao , 515–16, 518, 522; see also Wu cao
suan jing
Wu cao suan jing , 516, 532, 547
W u J i n g , 526
Wu jing suan , 515, 517, 522 ; see also
Wu jing suan shu
Wu jing suan shu , 517, 532, 547
Wu Wenjun  , 12, 67, 549, 560
Wylie, A., 275
Xenophon, 298
X i ’ a n , 514
Xiahou Yang , 515–16, 518–19, 522; see
also Xiahou Yang suan jing
X i a h o u Y a n g , 518
Xiahou Yang [Master] , see Xiahou Yang
Xiahou Yang suan jing , 516,
519–20, 532, 547
Xiangjie Jiuzhang suanfa
( A Detailed Explanation of the Nine
Chapters of Mathematical Procedures ),
56–9, 553, 566
Xin Tang shu , 514–21, 530, 532–3,
Xu Guangqi 2–3, 13, 56, 58, 66,
Xu Shen , 511
Xu Yue 517, 519
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