The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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brightly, you are able to extract the nourishment you
need from your environment and discharge toxins that
inhibit the flow or energy in your body/mind.


Sitting with your legs crossed, bring your right heel as
close to your groin as you can. With your eyes closed,
begin contracting your anal sphincter muscles. Imagine as
you are contracting that you are drawing your rectum
upward into your abdomen. Hold this position for ten
seconds, then slowly release while you exhale. Repeat
this process ten times.
Moolameans “root.” The root chakra is the source of
all energy in the body. Learning to regulate prana in this
region will enable you to consciously direct your creative
forces to the achievement of all your desires. Performing
this bandha can help with a wide range of health condi-
tions including hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, and
sexual function problems.

Pranayama exercises and bandhas bring your attention
into your body and use your intention to move energy
consciously. All success in life derives from this ability to
consciously acquire, store, and release energy.
Learning to harness the power of your intention is
the essence of the Law of Intention and Desire. The abil-
ity to direct your prana—your life energy—to eliminate
toxicity from your body enables you to do less and
accomplish more.
Not wasting your energy resisting the flow of your life
force is the essence of the Law of Least Effort. Conscious

116 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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