The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

remains lively throughout the day. The major facets of the
program include:

Pranayama breathing exercises
Flexibility postures
Balance postures
Sun salutations
Energy-opening postures
The spiritual law of the day
As a sign of commitment to the well-being of your
body, mind, and soul, spend some time every day practic-
ing yoga. When practicing on your own, an ideal session
is as follows:

Pranayama (5 to 10 minutes)

Begin with five to ten minutes of pranayama breathing
exercises. Start with several rounds of Bhastrika, or bellows
breath, to clear your body of toxins. Then perform three or
four Dirgha breaths, bringing air sequentially into your
lower, middle, and upper lung spaces. Next, shift into
Ujjayi breathing for several minutes, slowly inhaling and
exhaling with a slight contraction of your throat muscles.
Finally, move into Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril
breathing. Partially close your eyes as you perform Nadi
Shodhana to draw your attention inward. Depending
upon how much time you have available, spend five to ten
minutes performing your breathing exercises.

176 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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