The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

Day Spiritual Law Activating Intentions

Friday Detachment 1. Practice detachment

  1. Embrace uncertainty

  2. Surrender to the field of
    pure potentiality

Saturday Dharma 1. Attend to your silent
(or Purpose witness
in Life) 2. Acknowledge your talents

  1. Serve others


If you spend some time in each stage of this program, you
can spend as little as three-quarters of an hour or almost
two hours in your practice. Decide for yourself the pace
and intensity that you can execute. The time you spend
will yield rewards physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Commit to this program for one month and you will be a
yogi for life.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga Session 193
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