The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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return is proportional to the giving when it is uncondi-
tional and from the heart. This is why the act of giving has
to be joyful—the frame of mind has to be one in which
you feel joy in the very act of giving. Then the energy
behind the giving increases many times over.
During your yoga practice, the Law of Giving and
Receiving is lively in every breath you take. With each
inhalation and exhalation, you are exchanging ten billion
trillion atoms with your environment. Right now, take as
deep a breath as you possibly can and hold it. Hold it as
long as you can, and notice how uncomfortable you
begin to feel when you are holding onto something that is
meant to be released. Now, exhale as fully as you can and
hold your breath with your lungs fully emptied. Again, feel
the discomfort that arises when you are resisting taking in
something that you need. Whenever you resist the Law of
Giving and Receiving, your mind becomes anxious and
your body becomes uncomfortable.
With every pose you assume, complementary pairs of
muscles are contracting and relaxing, holding and releas-
ing in accordance with the Law of Giving and Receiving.
When the life force is flowing freely through your
body/mind, you are in natural alignment with the gen-
erosity and receptivity of the universe.

Make the commitment to put the second law of success
into effect in your yoga practice by taking the following
three steps:

  1. During your yoga poses, maintain breathing
    awareness, effortlessly exchanging air with your envi-
    ronment through the inflow and outflow of your

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 55
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