The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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for transformation in a world that is understood as the
expression of an underlying field of energy and informa-
tion. Stated simply, the Law of Least Effort tells us that we
can do less and accomplish more.
Nature is held together by the energy of love, and
least effort is expended when your actions are motivated
by love. When your soul is your internal reference point,
you can harness the power of love and use the energy cre-
atively for healing, transformation, and evolution.
The Law of Least Effort is of immeasurable value dur-
ing the practice of yoga. Yoga is the antidote to the pre-
scription “no pain, no gain.” The greatest benefits of
yoga come from relaxing into a pose, rather than forcing
your body into it. When moving into a flexibility pose,
find the point of resistance. Rather than muscling your
way through this point, breathe into the resistance—sur-
render into the resistance—and you will find yourself
extending your reach and enhancing your flexibility.
Stay present with your full awareness in your body and
engage an attitude of surrender. In yoga as in life,
patience is a virtue. In yoga, the more you are able to
embrace rather than fight your limitations and vulnera-
bilities, the less limits they hold and the more balance and
energy you experience.

To enliven the Law of Least Effort in your yoga practice
and in your life, make a commitment to the following
three steps:

  1. Practice acceptance. During your yoga practice,
    accept your body the way it is. Although you may
    have intention for it to change in some way, accept
    that how it is now is exactly as it should be, because

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 61
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