The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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its own variations on postures, pace, style, and intensity.
As a system dedicated to awakening flexibility in body,
mind, and spirit, yoga can accommodate and celebrate
the many diverse approaches that have developed over
past centuries.
Experiment for yourself with different approaches
and find the style that fits best with your needs at a given
time of your life. The right yoga system for you is the one
that enhances your vitality and flexibility. Commit your-
self to the Law of Least Effort and you will cease wasting
your vital energy in friction and conflict. Liberated, this
energy becomes available to you for creativity, personal
growth, and healing.

Whenever you find yourself forcing an outcome that is not
ready to manifest, remember the Law of Least Effort.
Introduce the mantra that resonates with the principle
that you can accomplish more by doing less if you are not
wasting energy by struggling and straining.

Om Daksham Namah
My actions achieve maximal benefit
with minimal effort

Law 5. The Law of Intention and Desire

The fifth spiritual law of success is the Law of Intention
and Desire, which is based upon the recognition that at
the level of the quantum field there is nothing other
than energy and information. This quantum field, which
is really just another name for the field of pure potential-
ity, is influenced by intention and desire.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 63
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