The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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tory system and metabolic activity to almost imperceptible
levels. In chapter 5, we will show you how to use your
attention and intention for healing and transformation.
As you become increasingly adept at governing your own
body through the Law of Intention and Desire, you will
also experience your intentions being increasingly sup-
ported by nature.

You can learn to harness the power of the Law of Inten-
tion and Desire in your yoga practice and in your life by
following these three steps:

  1. Be clear about your intentions and desires. On a
    regular basis, take the time to write down a list of
    those things you would like to see manifest in your life.
    Review your intentions and desires prior to begin-
    ning your yoga practice and prior to your time of
    silent meditation. Modify your list as your desires are
    fulfilled or transformed and observe how your inten-
    tions and desires evolve. When you take the time to
    document what you desire in your heart and mind, you
    accelerate the process of manifesting your desires in
    the world.

  2. Even as you bring your intentions and desires into
    conscious awareness, surrender the outcome to
    nature. Cultivate an attitude of trusting that when
    things are not going exactly the way you intend them
    to, there is a grander design at work. You can probably
    identify times in your life when things were not going
    according to your plan, only to realize later that some-
    thing better was waiting for you around the corner.
    When performing your yoga poses, maintain this
    inner attitude of surrender. Attend to and release

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 65
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