NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
Tap into your inner potential:

Align yourself: Neurological
levels of change

The techniques in this section are derived from modeling
people who are excellent in their ability to lead themselves.
By learning these skills you will reinforce the self-leading skills
you already have and develop new ones that suit your unique
More and more it is entrepreneurial style and skill that are
emerging as significant for this new age. Whether we work for
ourselves or an organization, we need more than ever before to
be able to lead ourselves. NLP is a way of creating your own
sense of direction, of harnessing the resources that are naturally
yours, and of influencing others to collaborate with you.
The topics included in this part of the book follow a natural
sequence for self-leading.
The first of these is Tap into your inner potential:
Anchoring. This is an approach for enabling you to access your
personal resources when you want them. In particular,
anchoring is a way of managing your emotional state. The
ability to choose the best emotional state to suit your
circumstances is one of the most powerful and yet most
overlooked skills we can have. When you can choose your
state you can choose your techniques and the kind of
influence you want to bring to any situation.
When—and only when—you have the state you want can
you build on that by ensuring that you are the example you
want to be. You may not be able to control external events, but
you can control the way you respond to them. We each have
values and beliefs that drive every move we make and every
word we utter. Sometimes those beliefs and values are what
we want them to be and sometimes they are not. Before we
can ever think of how we might influence others, we need first
to think of how we want to influence ourselves. And it is not
just beliefs and values but our sense of identity and purpose
in life that provide the example that unconsciously influences
others to want to be a part of what we represent or not.
Chapter 13, Align yourself, deals with all the elements of
influence. By thinking through not only how you are but what
you might want to change at each level, you can generate an
aligned state where every part of you is working toward the


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