NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

❏ If you have people working for you who give their all to their
work—It is an indication of how you manage them.
❏ If you explain a new concept to a colleague and they don't
understand—It is a measure of lack of flexibility in the way
you explain.
❏ If you have a warm loving family around you—It is a
reflection of how you are.
❏ If you give feedback to a friend and they are offended—It is
a result of how you gave the feedback to them.
❏ If people choose you as their main supplier—It is a measure
of how you have related to them in the way you conduct

Anyone holding this belief does not have problem customers,
problem staff, or problem management. Holding this belief
means you take responsibility for the reactions you get and
take them as feedback on how you are doing. By holding this
belief you do not consider others to be a source of problems.
You seek to develop your own flexibility so that you find new
choices that elicit new responses.

What do you do when you are faced with a problem? Do you
give up? Do you persevere until you find a way out? Do you
wait for someone else to sort it out?
Imagine what it would be like to believe that you could find a
solution to every problem you ever encountered. You would
probably spend much less time worrying about how you are going
to get on in life. You would have confidence that somewhere,
somehow you will find a way to achieve what you want.
That is what it is like to hold this belief. This is the belief of
people who make major breakthroughs. This belief is
characteristic of people who find new solutions to old
problems. They do this because they believe they can. This is
the belief at the heart of all creativity.
Edward de Bono explores the consequences of this belief in
his books about lateral thinking. There is a solution to every
problem and believing this opens the mind to the
possibilities, new innovative solutions.
If you hold this belief you trust your instinct in finding a way
through problems. What might frustrate you are people who do




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