NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

❏ I can understand that you feel uncertain. How would you
like to feel?

❏ My colleagues told me that they really valued the ideas I
put forward at the meeting.
❏ I can understand that—I value the ideas that you put
forward too. What did you feel about them?

I recently received a text message from one of my children in
the following style:

Can you ring me wen u get bak I need 2 ask u a favour about
nxt wk – Ta!

It would be inappropriate to send an eloquent, enriched
language message back! It would be much more on the same
wavelength to say

Will do c u soon I hope 2 – Luv S

However, what about an email like this, which I received
through my web page not so long ago?

Also a little story for your info-tainment.
A few weeks ago, I started a new role and during my lunch was
strolling thru a mall (as you do) and there was a bookseller selling
remainder books. Well, as I moved around the table ambling thru
the various biogs, Ancient Greek tombs, and associated
vegetarian cookbooks what should catch my ear but somebody
talking about your book—NLP at Work. A fairly lively debate
ensued between the woman thinking of purchasing your book and
the bookseller justifying why he was selling it. Anyways to cut a
long story to a small duplex, the woman put the book down and
as I leant over to pick it up, she picked up the vegetarian book I
was (past tense) planning to buy and said “I’ll have this one, it's
bound to be more useful—can’t cook nuffin with NLP.” So what am
I to do—she’s taken my book and here I am holding your baby—
so to speak—well I took it home, read it and give it a good.
So you say why are you telling me all this...? Well a week or
so later I’m in this same mall and here I am positioned in front

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