NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
can match, pace, and lead the other person's values. They
identify what conditions have to be true for those values to be
satisfied. They operate from the belief that each person is unique.
Learning the unique indications that have to be present for
someone to feel that their values are respected and fulfilled is
one of the most sophisticated skills you can develop to
negotiate your way through life. The evidence of fulfillment for
each of the following values could be (they will be different
and unique for everyone):

Value Evidence of fulfillment
Openness A willingness to express feelings. Someone
who is prepared to state their views before
others state theirs. Someone who talks
about what is happening in their personal
life as well as in their business life.
Security An acceptance of solutions to problems that
have been tried and tested and shown to
work in other situations. The ability to
express ideas without having them ignored
or dismissed.
Creativity Agreements and ideas that haven't been
applied before. People who can think
laterally and who can provide a new way of
thinking about existing situations.
Listening Someone who doesn’t interrupt, who is
curious about what is being said and who
asks clarification questions. Someone who
leans forward and maintains eye contact for
the majority of the time someone else is

To find out someone's values, watch and listen. Pay attention
to what excites them and what changes their state to one of
interest and curiosity. What do they pay attention to? If they
are constantly looking at their watch and want to get on with
discussions straight away, you may find that attention to time
and to the way time is used is important to them. The more
you develop your sensory acuity, your awareness to notice
even the smallest of changes in the person with whom you are


Each person is unique

To find out values—watch and
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