NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
manager might be feeling as he did this.
Over time he gained more and more of his manager's
support. Eventually he was able to put forward his ideas
without waiting to be asked and he and his manager worked
together more cohesively as a team than they had ever done
before. When James's manager was appointed to the position
of director of special projects, he invited James to join him in
the new department as senior project manager.

We can also detect preferences in thinking in company

❏ 1st positionThere may be a fire-fighting, crisis
management style. The company may jump to conclusions
about what the solutions to problems might be without
checking that they are the solutions in, say, their customers'
minds. They are more likely to be problem oriented rather
than solution oriented because they don't stand back, take
stock, and consider situations objectively. Many high-tech
companies have operated this way sometimes as a result of
lacking the softer, people understanding skills.
❏ 2nd positionThe company may “go overboard” to do what
the customer wants without seeking to influence the
solution or the outcome. They would typically make
unrealistic promises just to keep the customer happy in the
short term. Even though they may “jump” to the customer's
requests, they invariably lose customer respect.
❏ 3rd positionThis company stays emotionally detached.
This is characteristic of some large, bureaucratic
organizations where there is no “personal touch.”
Correspondence will be written in the third person, rarely
signed by identifiable individuals. It is difficult to attach
accountability to anyone in particular. Organizations such
as this often handle buyouts ineffectively, with the buyout
seen purely as a business acquisition with little or no
attention paid to the emotions of the people involved.






Organizational implications

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