George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

ran the break-in, and for what purpose. CREEP national chairman Maurice Stans later described the
situation just after the burglars were arrested, made dangerous by "...Congreand several of his political hatchet men working on the staff of the House Banking and Curressman Wright Patmanncy
Committee. Without specific authorization by his committee, Patman announced that he was going
to investigate the Watergate matter, using as his entry the banking transactions of the Dahlberg and
Mexican checks. In the guise of covering that ground, he obviously intended to roam widely, and he
almost did, but his own committee, despite its Democratic majority, eventually stopped him." [fn16]

These are the facts that Patman had established--before "his own committee...stopped him."
The anonymous Minnesota $25,000 hachief executive of the Archer-Daniels- Midland grain trading company. d in fact been provided to Dahlberg by Dwayne Andreas,

The Texas $100,000, sent by Liedtke, in fact came from Robert H. Allen, a mysterious nuclear
weapons materials executive. Allen was chairman of Gulf Resources and Chemical Corporation in
Houston. His company controlled half the world's supply of lithium, an essential component ofhydrogen bombs.

On April 3, 1972 (75 days before the Watergate arrests), $100,000 was transferred by telephone
from a bank account of Gulf Resources and Chemical Corp. into a Mexico City account of an

officially defunct subsidiary of Gulf Resources. Gulf Resources' Mexican lawyer Manuel OgarrioDaguerre withdrew it and sent back to Houston the package of four checks and cash, which Liedtke (^)
forwarded for the CIA burglars. [fn 17]
Robert H. Allen was Texas CREEP's chief financial officer, while Bush partner William Liedtke
was overall chairman. But what did Allen represent? In keeping with its strategic nuclear holdings,Allen's Gulf Resources was a kind of committee of the main components of the London-New York (^)
oligarchy. Formed in the late 1960's, Gulf Resources had taken over the New York-based Lithium
Corporation of America. The president of this subsidiary was Gulf Resources executive vice
president Harry D. Feltenstein, Jr. John Roger Menke, a director of both Gulf Resources and
Lithium Corp., wof the Hebrew Technical Institute. The ethnic background of tas also a consultant and director of the United Nuclear Corporahe Lithium subsidiary is of interesttion, and a diretor
due to Israel's known preoccupation with developing a nuclear weapons arsenal. Another Gulf
Resources and Lithium Corp. director was Minnesotan Samuel H. Rogers, who was also a director
of Dwayne Andreas's Archer-Daniels-Midland Corp. Andreas was a large financial backer of the
"Zionist Lobby" through the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith.
Gulf Resources chairman Robert H. Allen received the "Torch of Liberty" award of the Anti-
Defamation League in 1982. Allen was a white Anglo-Saxon conservative. No credible reason for
this award was supplied to the press, and the ADL stated their satisfaction that Mr. Allen's financing
of the Watergate break-in was simply a mistake, now in the distant past.
From the beginning of Gulf Resources, there was always a representative on its board of New
York's Bear Stearns firm, whose partner Jerome Kohlberg, Jr., pioneered leveraged buyouts and
merged with Bush's Henry Kravis. The most prestigious board member of Allen's Gulf Resources
was George A. Butler, otherwise the chairman of Houston's Post Oak Bank. Butler represented theultra-secretive W. S. ("Auschwitz") Farish III, confidant of George Bush and U.S. host of Queen
Elizabeth. Farish was the founder and controlling owner of Butler's Post Oak Bank, and was
chairman of the bank's executive committee as of 1988. [fn 18]
A decade after Watergate, it was revealed that the Hunt family had controlled about 15 per cent of

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