The Nature of Political Theory
10 The Nature of Political Theory contest, and skate over the surface of politics. Politics becomes a much more elusive quarry. ...
An Eclectic Subject 11 the text. The reasons are that, first, and quite minimally, I have already covered this area fairly compr ...
12 The Nature of Political Theory different epistemologies and ontologies embodied in the discipline. Thus, there is a play betw ...
An Eclectic Subject 13 out of its way to develop a new universal but immanent foundationalism, even if in some cases it was a ve ...
14 The Nature of Political Theory is an odd and at times deeply-self-contradictory logic within this radical postmodern setting, ...
An Eclectic Subject 15 our mind. Ancienttheoriais not a means in the same sense, but the end itself’ (Gadamer 1979: 412). 5.Theo ...
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2 We Have a Firm Foundation Part One deals with five conceptions of political theory that have marked out the terrain of the dis ...
20 The Nature of Political Theory general and inclusive sense), often see their own discipline as the very acme of the study of ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 21 powers. In addition, there is usually a common anxiety over any difference, disson- ance, or confli ...
22 The Nature of Political Theory wave. Strauss was therefore clear in his own mind, that a distinction had to be drawn between ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 23 Further, because of this potential vulnerability and contingency, it makes moral and political beha ...
24 The Nature of Political Theory interpretation), it had been resisted or downgraded by other significant sectors of twentieth ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 25 and 1980s, defined theory as the clarification of concepts and the critical evaluation of beliefs ( ...
26 The Nature of Political Theory linking past and present normative political philosophy. Indeed, in thinking seriously about t ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 27 theory. Political theorists now largely address other political theorists. Not many think, except i ...
28 The Nature of Political Theory it is not surprising that others saw the end of political philosophy—although this is definite ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 29 sociology, and politics. The distinctions did exist, butonlyto a very limited degree. In many ways, ...
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