The Nature of Political Theory

(vip2019) #1
348 Index

Gadamer, Hans Georg 14, 92, 178, 317, 318, 321,
322, 271–2, 294–316
central theme 307
conflict with Habermas 310–15
dialogue 14, 303–6, 320
Enlightenment 299, 301–3
experience 305
fallibilism 308, 323–5
fusion of horizons 304–6, 308, 317, 322
hermeneutic circle 14, 307–8, 321–4
ideology 312, 313–14
Kant’s aesthetic 302–3
method and 303
natural science and 303
on ethics 306–10
play of dialogue 305, 308
politics and 306–10
positivism and 301–3
tradition 314
Wittgenstein 312–13
Galston, W. 214
Gauthier, D. 79, 112, 118–20, 124, 127, 131–2,
135, 137
Geist 4
Geisteswissenschaft30, 148, 294
Gentile, G. 93
Gerber, Carl von 75
Germino, D. 22, 70, 93
Geschichtliche Grundbegriff 49
Gewirth, A. 5–6, 135
Gierke, Otto von 75, 157, 211
Gilligan, C. 130, 224–5
Gramsci, A. 68, 221
Grand Écoletradition 32
Gray, J. 94, 100, 103–4, 231
Greek political theory 8
Green, T. H. 26, 145, 192
Greenleaf, W. H. 22, 75, 76, 170
Grice, H. P. 43
Gunnell, J. 32, 38, 56, 75, 78, 92

Habermas, J. 4–5, 14, 92, 197–8, 199, 211, 271–92,
293, 316, 318
ambiguity of reason 312–13
Apel and 285–6
central theme 289
communicative action 4, 293
communitarianism 290
critical theory and 275–80
critique of Gadamer 272, 310–15
deliberative democracy 288–90
development of work 278–80

discourse ethics 288–90, 293
empirical-analytic sciences 281
end of philosophy 284
Enlightenment 277
fallibilism 4, 284, 285–8
foundationalism 279, 282–4, 287–8
hermeneutics 272, 284
historical-hermeneutic sciences 281
ideal speech 285, 293, 314
ideology critique 278, 282, 312
knowledge spheres and 274, 280–2, 292, 313–14
metaphysics 4–5, 274
negative dialectics 277
Nietzsche 275
overall aims 280
philosophical premises 272–5
positivism 274, 280–2
post-metaphysics 279–80
postmodern critique 279–80
pragmatism 284
Rawls and 278, 291
republicanism 289–90
social strategic action 4
speech acts 286–7, 293
the subject 282–4
universal pragmatics 284–8
Hacker, A. 24
Hadot, Pierre 14
Hampton, J. 25
Hart,H.L.A. 111
Hayek, F. 24, 47, 94, 112, 152, 153, 172, 200, 213
Hegel, G. W. F. 3, 26, 37, 39, 75, 85, 149, 156, 157,
252, 304
Hegelianism 9, 98, 147
Heidegger, M. 21, 41, 88, 178, 186, 236, 239–42,
255, 258, 274, 279, 317, 321
Herder, G. 26, 157, 160, 172, 173, 215
hermeneutic circle 14, 307–8, 321–4
hermeneutics 14, 294–318
Bildung301, 304, 305, 308, 317, 320
circle 14, 307–8, 321–4
critique of positivism and 301–3
dialogue 297–301
Dilthey and 294–5, 297, 316
Enlightenment 299, 301–3
fore-structures 296–7
forms of 294–6
Heidegger and 296–7
history 297–301
language 297–301
origin 294–5
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