
(Wang) #1

I 42


Palestine (continued)
paper or glass supported negative processes,
production of visual souvenirs, 477–478
Salzmann, Auguste, 1240
survey photography, 1362
Teynard, Félix, 477
tourist photography, 477–478
wet collodion process, 476
Palladiotype paper, 1156
Palladium, 230, 574–575
bromide print, 219
Palladium prints, 1156–1157
Palmer, Eli J., 262
Panama, 285
Panchromatic emulsions, color therapy, 319
Panizzi, Anthony, British Museum, 216–217
Pannotypes, 954, 1155
Panoptiques, panoramic photography, 1050
Panoramas, 252, 1048–1050, 1049, 1090
Alps, 1049–1050
Australia, 100–101
Braun, Adolphe, 203
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 255
daguerreotypes, 1151
defi ned, 1048
Fardon, George Robinson, 522
Fontayne, Charles H., 540
Kodak cameras, 251
London, 303
Méhédin, Léon-Eugene, 919
Mulock, Benjamin Robert, 958
multiple printing, 962
Muybridge, Eadweard James, 968
O’Sullivan, Timothy Henry, 1018–1019
panoptiques, 1050
Porter, William Southgate, 1151
Prout, Victor Albert, Thames River, 1178
scientifi c applications, 1050
Panoramic cameras
camera design, 255–256
fi xed-plate, rotating-lens, 255
rotating camera with moving plate or
fi lm, 255
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 255
wide-angle lens, 256
Panoram Kodak, 251, 255
Pantascope, Braun, Adolphe, 203
Panunzi, Benito, 1051
Venezuela, 1051
Paper, 2, 1051–1053
amateur photographers, 1052
calotypes, 240, 1051–1052
celloidin process, 1052
gelatine silver bromide paper, 1052–1053
gelatine silver chloride positive paper, 1053
hand-made, 80–81
pigment processes, 1053
printing-out process, 1052
requirements for, 1051
selections, 240
silver bromide paper, 1053
silver chloride paper, 1053
sources, 240
waxed paper process, 1052
Paper holders, 243
Paper negatives, 615, 681
Great Exhibitions of the Works of Industry
of All Nations, Crystal Palace, Hyde
Park (1851), 615
process, components, 239–240
Paper prints, photographic practices, 1089
mounting, 1089
objectifi cation, 1089

Papyrotype photolithographic process, 2
Parallax panoramagram, 762
construction photography, 454–455
Franck, François-Marie-Louis-Alexandre
Gobinet de Villecholles, 551–552
Le Secq, Henri (Jean-Louis Henri Le Secq
des Tournelles), 837–839
Rivière, Henri, 1198
Paris Commune, 345, 1470
Andrieu, Jules, 37–38
architectural ruins, 37–38
“Desastres de la guerre,” 37–38
political and class-based readings, 38
Appert, Eugène, 55
communards imprisoned, 55
photomontages meant to discredit, 55
Braquehais, Auguste Bruno, 202
Carjat, Etienne, 273, 274
Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène, 419
Franck, François-Marie-Louis-Alexandre
Gobinet de Villecholles, 552
Liébert, Alphonse Justin, 857
police photography, 1142–1143
Paris Opéra, Durandelle’s photographs of,
Parker, John Henry, 30, 1053–1054
Parkes, Alexander, 1054, 1207
inventor, 1054
foundation for modern plastics industry,
Parting, James, 287
Passe-partout, 955
shape, 952
surface, 952
Patent leather photographs, 523–524
Patents, 178, 341–342
additive and subtractive photographic color
processes, 449
ambrotypes, 342
anaglyph three-dimensional photographic
method, 449
artifi cial light, 303, 304
Beard, Richard
equipment and materials, 127
gained control of professional
photography in England, 1100
licensing policy, 1100
regional licenses, 126–127
suppression of competition, 127
Belgium, 138–139
calotypes, 341, 607, 1378
carbon printing, 905
carbon process, 1168
carte-de-visite, 276, 420
celluloid roll fi lm, 599
cinematograph, 449
collodion ferrotypy, 1391
color photography, 449
Cutting, James Ambrose, 342
slight variation on Archer’s collodion
negative and positive processes,
daguerreotypes, 302–303, 372, 665
Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène, 276, 419,
Eastman, George, patented machines to
coat plates, 463
Eastman Kodak Company, 342
Edison, Thomas Alva, 471–473
Europe, 1055
Fredrickson, Charles A., 342
Globe lens, 634

Goddard, John Frederick, 595, 596
Great Britain, 1054, 1055
Designs and Trade Marks Act of 1883,
Great Britain, 1054
Patent Law Amendment Act of 1852,
Hogg, Jabez, contemporary debates, 710
Ireland, daguerreotypes, 750
Japan, 1055
Joly, John, 780
kaleidoscope, 211
Lancaster, W.J., 817
Leggo, William Augustus, 840–841
Le Prince, Louis Aimé Augustin, 836–837
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 938–940
motion pictures, 558, 836–837
Netherlands, 1055
painted backdrops, 303, 304
photochromoscope, 449
Prestwich, William Henry, 1169
printing frames, 336
red darkroom light, 303, 304
screen color technique, 449
stereoscopic camera, 712
Swan, Joseph Wilson, 905
Switzerland, 1055
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 341, 462, 607,
1054, 1076, 1080
calotype defense, 608
collodion, 827–828
telegraph, 938–940
Thornton, John Edward, 1389–1390
Tomlinson, William, 342
United States, 1055–1056
U.S. Patent Offi ce, 1308
woodtypes, 1511
Pattinson, Hugh Lee, 261
Paul, Robert William, 1056
P&D Colnaghi, see Colnaghi, P&D
Peasant life, 274–275
anthropological photography, 52
Carrick, William, 274–275
Nastyukov, Mikchail Petrovich, 978–979
Russia, 423
Pease, Benjammin Franklin, 1056–1057
Peck, Samuel, 1057
union cases, 1057
Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, 311, 486
fi rst Brazilian-born photographer, 486
patronage, 486
photography collections, 486
Beato, Felice, 293–294
Child, Thomas, 291
Pellet process, 1155
Pellicle, 438
The Pencil of Nature (Talbot, William Henry
Fox), 187, 325, 607
relationship between photography and
sculpture, 1109–1110
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 1057–1058
affi liation with fi ne arts, 1057
ancestor of mass illustration, 1057
pasted-in original calotype prints, 1057
Reading Establishment, 1057
subjects, 1057
Penn, Albert Thomas Watson, 1058
India, 1058
Pennell, Joseph, 1320
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
Eakins, Thomas Cowperthwaite, 459
Penny photographs, 954
Penrose Pictorial Annual, 1058–1059
to promote photomechanical printing, 1058
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