Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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atmosphere for hearing God speak. Eventually, it will become a
comfort to you to have a favorite and familiar place for your
“God Talks.”
Fourth, clear out any hindrances (doubt, sin, poor time
management, or lack of interest as discussed in chapter 5).

In addition to clearing off the table, so to speak, by getting
rid of the common hindrances to hearing God talk, protect your
time with Him by telling others that you have an appointment
and you’re unavailable during the next hour (or however long)
unless there’s an emergency. I know that you give this same
courtesy to other important meetings; why not do the same for
preparing for and carefully protecting your time alone with
God? Because urgent interruptions and beautiful or compelling
sounds have an incredible power to attract, distract, and hold
your attention, I encourage you to take extra measures to
artistically create an intimate atmosphere.

The art of hearing God talk—that starts with a discipline and
turns into devotion—brings the beauty of a heavenly God into
the depths of your individual heart. You validate what you hear
God say when you create an atmosphere for intimacy and
record your conversations.

Hearing God Talk Takes Patience (the Virtue

of Patience)

Patience requires tenacity and perseverance. Patience means
waiting. Oh, and who likes to wait?

Though it goes without saying, I’m going to say it anyway:
Patience, among the many disciplines of a virtuous life, is

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