Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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sixty minutes? Then brainstorm the first uninterrupted block of
time during the next seven days—note different times for
weekday and weekend days. (Your age and responsibilities will
usually determine the best time of day on each day of the week
for you to meet in an appointment with God—before work or
school, during the lunch hour, before bedtime, etc.)
Next, transfer these ideas, placing them on your calendar for
the next seven days (similar to any other appointment).

Example: Monday through Friday 7:00 to 7:30 AM
Saturday and Sunday 4:00 to 4:30 PM
Finally, evaluate at the end of seven days how well this
system worked for you—and make any adjustments necessary
for the next seven days.

Hearing God Talk Takes Practice (the

Dedication to Practice)

The practice of anything takes discipline. Practice is an
outward expression of an inward desire to excel or get better, to
become more adept at a skill or to learn more about something
you already know.

Great athletes, great artists, great inventors, great authors,
great actors, or great musicians practice their trade—training
their bodies and harnessing their minds—in order to become
more skilled, more proficient, and more productive.

Hearing God talk is the same. It is like learning a new
Be assured, it takes practice to hear God talk. And as all
those in training have experienced, you will inevitably make

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