Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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in the heavens.” What doubts are demolished when you consider that
God’s Word was before all time?

Psalm 119:114 professes, “Your word is my only hope” (CEV). On
any given day, who does not need hope, guidance, or comfort?

Psalm 119:105 claims, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light
for my path.” Is there a day that goes by when you don’t need
important and timely advice before making a decision?

Psalm 119:160 explains, “The very essence of your words is truth”
(NLT). Whose words but God’s can be so fully trusted?

I encourage you to picture yourself having a personal, two-
way conversation with God as you read through all one
hundred and seventy-six verses of Psalm 119. To acknowledge
that God is talking to you, underline or paraphrase any verses
that relate to your life, encourage your faith, or motivate you to
do something specific. Eventually, read each of the psalms as if
it were your own personal profession of faith and written
commitment of trust in God and His Word.

In Andrew Murray’s book The Inner Life, I learned a simple
concept that revolutionized my approach to daily Bible reading.
He writes, “Prayer and the Word are inseparably linked
together. Power in the use of either depends upon the presence
of the other.... The Word gives me guidance for prayer, telling
me what God will do for me. It gives me the power to pray,
telling me how God would have me come.... And it gives me
the answer to prayer, as it teaches what God will do for me....
Prayer seeks God; the Word reveals God. In prayer we rise to
heaven to dwell with God; in the Word God comes to dwell
with us.” 5
I’ve since memorized Murray’s straightforward words as

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