Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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In Space and Time and History, God Talks!

God’s voice is not magical or elusive.

In space and time and history, God talks in both audible and
inaudible sounds, through unusual circumstances, dreams and
visions, and His assigned messengers.

God talks to those who read His written Word found in the
Bible. God talks to men and women through the warnings of
Old Testament prophets, as well as through the recorded
prayers of leaders like David (1 Chronicles 29:10–19) and
mothers like Hannah (1 Samuel 1:10–11). God speaks—
yesterday and today— through the New Testament letters,
recorded miracles, and prophetic warnings, as well as through
the revolutionary lives of Jesus Christ and His disciples.

God talks through the teachings of His only Son, Jesus of
Nazareth. In the same words in which He spoke to His
disciples, Jesus talks to you and me.
God talks to men and women—of the past and present—
through His Holy Spirit. The holy person of God instructs,
comforts, counsels, and convicts us by communicating to us
through our intellect, thoughts, and feelings.

The living, loving God talks to men and women today.
Will you let God talk to you?
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