Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Mohammed). But, of course, the stories by those whose
families were massacred by Mohammed and his disciples
have not been passed down as history is written by the
victors, so the version we have is the one which portrays
Mohammed in the most flattering light to his followers. To
Muslims, the killer who was the founder of Islam is seen
as someone to admire above all other men and Muslims
believe they are to live as Mohammed lived. Our Quisling
leaders side with Mohammed and his followers against us
unbelievers, the people whom Islam is committed to
Some Muslims might argue that Mohammed had
declared war on those people whose beheading is described
above, and try to use this supposed war to justify
Mohammed’s evil actions. Some Muslims or their apologists
will try to argue that Mohammed and his followers only
went to war after first responding to aggression with
defensive violence. This claim can even be found in recent
years in the work of some of the contemporary scholars on

Muhammad     and     his     followers   tended  to  be
quite moderate with regard to war or any kind
of physically aggressive behaviour against
their detractors, even in the face of aggression
committed against them [...] aside from a
very few individuals, they avoided physical
aggression at almost any cost and suffered
physical and emotional abuse as a
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