Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

to get to Paradise.
The deception by Muslims and their Quislings is aided
by the assumption of a humanist, Westernized public; the
assumption that no religion would advocate murder,

discrimination and deception.^205 We Kuffar are also
distracted by a myriad of events (work, television, gossip,
social events, family problems, etc.) which are infinitely
more absorbing than the tedium of trying to make sense of
the jumbled-up and incomprehensible Koran. That the most
authoritative Muslim biography of Mohammed is simple and
straightforward, showing how Mohammed became a
belligerent, genocidal, torturing, slave-taking Islamic
“Statesman” is something about which most of us Kuffar
have no idea. Our Quisling elite ensure that the public know
nothing about Islam except for the few selected deceptions
which they filter through to your children in the process of
the brainwashing described as religious education. Despite
the decades of problems with Islam the West has
experienced, we have seen no television documentaries, no
television dramas, no movies about how Islam came to
explode out of Arabia and in just one century managed to
conquer lands from the Atlantic Ocean to the mountains of
Afghanistan. Instead of teaching the public that the Islamic
State survived from the Dark Ages to just after World War I,
the public is kept in an ahistorical bubble. There are more
movies about the Vikings, about ancient Greek myths, about
space travel, about the romance novels of Jane Austen than
there are about how Mohammedʼs religion of war spread
across the world. The public are given no easy access to
information about Islam, the biggest problem facing the

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