Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

atheistic, humanistic or materialistic point of view. Failing to
explain the importance that dying to impose Islam on others
has for Muslims, means our Quisling elite have been
concealing from the public that murder in the name of
Islam is not just a part of Islam, but is the most
fundamental aspect of a system which constantly pits
Heaven against Hell, believer against non-believer,
devout believer against hypocrite. Those Muslims and
Quislings who insist that Islam is a religion of peace can
only “prove” this by concealing from those they would
deceive all the commands in the Koran to kill, commands
which our chronological Koran makes clear and obvious
(which is why we do not want Muslims to read this book).
In Islam, the killing of those Kuffar who refuse to submit to
Islam is not murder; bizarrely, it is viewed within Islam as a

kindness!^204 The ordinary person cannot be expected to
wade through the thousands and thousands of often
jumbled-up and repetitive instructions to be found in the
Koran and the hadiths to find those which explain why
Muslims are killing in the name of Islam. It is the job of our
educated elite to explain what is different about Islam. Yet
for all their praise of diversity, the educated elite do not
want the public to consider what it means for people to have
beliefs which truly diverge from our own belief system, the
way the beliefs of Islam diverge from those of Western
civilisation, with Islam legitimizing the slaughter and
enslavement of those who think differently. The Quisling
elite pass laws to force us non-Muslims to respect Islam. Of
course, the Quislings must fall short of telling us to respect
that Muslims are commanded to kill us unbelievers in order

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