Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

from 1860 to 1960, who proved beyond doubt that the
Koran culminates in commands to kill us Kuffar.
This famously intellectual politician does not seem to
have even looked up the origin of the word “Islamism”.
Here is how the massive Oxford English Dictionary (1933)
defines “Islamism”: “the religious system of the Moslems;
Mohammedism”. This dictionary is famous for being the
most complete and extensive dictionary of the English
language in the entire world (providing examples of
definitions as they first enter the English language, and
examples of changes of meaning). There is absolutely no
mention of Islamism being distinct from Islam. And as we
saw with the famous Encyclopedia of Islam (1953) there
was no mention of “political Islam” being separated from
“religious Islam”. Thus, as far as the most highly-
esteemed reference works of the twentieth century are
concerned, there was no difference between Islam and
Islamism, and Islam was political from year one of the
Islamic calendar. Moreover, if we look at popular usage in
newspaper archives, we find the word “Islamism” first being
used in the early nineteenth century, and the word is used

interchangeably with the word “Islam”.^240
The contemporary and novel concept of Islamism is
thus not a twentieth-century phenomenon created by

Muslims, but is really a twenty-first century phenomenon,^241
a unicorn conjured up by a liberal elite who dare not admit
to the plebs that Islam has been a violent political ideology
from year one of the its calendar. Indeed, Islam is the most
enduring and most dangerous political ideology in history,
because it promises its troops an eternity in Paradise if they

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