Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

die for the ideology: no other genocidal ideology offered its
killers such a prize. And because of this enthusiasm and
commitment to jihad, the Islamic State has returned, within a
hundred years of it being abolished. In order not to disrupt
the project of importing Muslims into the West, the liberal
elite created this new word “Islamism” to describe a belief
system known throughout history as “Islam”. They do not
want the electorate to understand that twenty-first century
Islam is now as Islam has always been: a warrior religion
intent on imposing its legal and social policies on the entire
Almost without exception, when journalists and
politicians distinguish between “Islam” and “Islamism” they
offer no grounds for the distinction nor cite any texts which
make the distinction for them. Instead they act as if
“everyone knows” that these are two very different things,
as if this distinction has been known in the West throughout
history, and as if this distinction is a distinction that Muslims

themselves have recognized.^242 But these repetitions are
simply an attempt to shore up an undefined and fake
distinction, a distinction which was never articulated
throughout a thousand years of interaction between
Christendom and Islam, dating back to The Crusades. It is
Muslims who are going off to join ISIS, Al Shabaab, etc. If
asked whether they are following “Islamism” or “Islam”,
these terrorists will say the latter. And if the Mohammed of
the authoritative biography was alive he would be leading
one of these organisations, taking the place of the Caliph of
the Islamic State.
It is not in the interests of the politicians, clergy or

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