Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

ruled by theocracy rather than democratic law-making.
Marxists have long maintained that quantitative changes can

bring about qualitative changes,^257 and it is a reasonable
assumption that the higher the proportion of Muslims there
are in a society, the stronger will be their cumulative
attempts to impose Islam upon each other and upon us
Kuffar. Thus, whatever the percentage of Muslims who
support jihad now, as the number of Muslims in a society
increases and their relative strength increases, then the
percentage supporting jihad is likely to increase. As the
quantity of Muslims increases they are likely to become
more and more Islamic and more and more violent, because
the doctrines of Islam insist that Muslims police the
behaviour of each other. Whilst the Marxist notion of a
quantitative change leading to a qualitative change might be
dismissed as nonsense in most fields of analysis, when it
comes to Islam it appears obvious that Marxist sociologists
should have anticipated what Muslim immigration to the
West would mean.
When we look beyond Britain, then it does indeed
appear that the proportion of Muslims whom we would
describe as fundamentalist is far higher than the statistics
from Britain would indicate. A pan-European survey of
Muslim attitudes (in Germany, France, Belgium, Austria,
Sweden and the Netherlands) showed that the proportion of
Muslims in Europe who want sharia law is far higher.

According    to  the     study   [...]   funded  by  the
German government, two thirds (65%) of the
Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is
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