Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
very    reassuring  –   until   you realize that    the
terms “defensive”, “civilians”, and
“innocent” are understood differently in
Islamic and Western societies. A close
reading of Islamic law books reveals that
only Muslims are innocent.^267

After the multiple simultaneous terrorist attacks in Paris at
the end of 2015, Muslim experts jumped to proclaim that
Islam does not sanction violent attacks against the

innocent.^268 The army of journalists who poured over every
word ever uttered by Donald Trump as a presidential
candidate were not remotely interested in interrogating such
Muslim hand-waving, to see what kind of ambiguities are
found when the followers of the religion of war claim that
“Islam is opposed to violence against innocent people”.
Such condemnations by Muslims would prove entirely
empty if subjected to scrutiny.
When we stop seeing the world from our European,
Christian, humanist, universalist position, and start to see the
world from within the discriminatory framework that is
Islam, things look completely different. As the Koran says,
the Kuffar is going to burn in Hell:

Those    who     disbelieve  Our     revelations,    We
shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their
skins are consumed We shall exchange them
for fresh skins that they may taste the
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