Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

opportunity of becoming President of a country which had a
very small Muslim population, Muslims would not object to
him claiming to be a Christian). Power over us Kuffar is the
primary directive of Islam.
There are many other forms of deception in use, for
example, Muslims citing Koran 2:256 “There is no
compulsion in religion”, when the Muslim is aware of the
many verses which contradict this and of the fact that the
verse has been cancelled (see our chronological Koran).
Only those verses which allow the Muslim to win a debate
would be cited (the verses which would be an impediment
being treated as if they did not exist). Another example is
Islamic texts which are translated out of Arabic and into a
language where most speakers are Kuffar. The translation
would omit those things which might make the Kuffar say
Islam is evil or objectionable. This is demonstrable with
those texts where there are parallel translations, for example,
the manual of sharia law named Reliance of the Traveller: a
Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law. When it comes to
the eternal Islamic laws governing slavery, these laws are
omitted in the English translation but are to be found in the

parallel Arabic text.^280 Thus do Muslims make Islam look
less objectionable to a Kuffar audience, who will only find
out that slavery is legal in Islam when the unbelievers have
converted to Islam (or when the unbelievers find themselves
enslaved). This kind of deception is practised when Muslims
do not feel they are strong enough to simply use violence to
force conversions to Islam.
It is hardly worth even raising the point that Muslims
will bend the truth and will even brazenly lie to us Kuffar,

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