Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

the West. By the mid 1960s, even the Second Vatican

Council^282 deceived the worldʼs one billion Catholics
about the existential threat that Islam has been to

Christianity from shortly after Mohammedʼs death.^283
The deception of the Kuffar by Muslims is hardly surprising,
but what will incense future generations is that our own
highly-educated politicians and journalists actually
magnified the deception inherent in Islam. Itʼs not the first
time in history that an elite has betrayed their nation and
imported Muslims: this was precisely how Muslims gained

entry to Spain at the start of the eighth century.^284 It took the
people of Spain seven hundred years to remove the Muslims
who became the vicious masters of the Kuffar in that
peninsula. It is no wonder that the Islamisation of Spain
has been turned into another deceit, the supposedly
savage Europeans being civilised by the culture of the
warrior tribes who spread out from the uncivilised
Arabian desert just a few decades before! Our elite
cannot let the people of the West know that it took
centuries and the help of armies from around Europe to
remove Islam from the Iberian peninsula, with an
eleventh-century Pope promoting a defensive Christian
jihad to save Christendom from the genocidal assault by
Muslims. The myth of the Golden Age of tolerance in
Spain is just one more lie of the many lies our elite tell us

to make us quiescent.^285 This elite prefer to lie to us about
a period in history that was horribly violent and
discriminatory, and tell us that it was instead a time of
multicultural harmony.

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