Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Looking Over The Wall Of Fake


“Exhort the believers   to  fight   [...]   (the    disbelievers)   are
a folk without intelligence.”
Koran 8:65

As far as Islam is concerned, in the World of War, there
are no innocents: every non-Muslim is a legitimate target for

death or enslavement.^348 In recent decades we in the West
have had a few brave independent experts explain to us the
doctrinal basis for all the terrorist attacks by Muslims.
Whether the experts are atheists, ex-Muslims, Christians or
Jews these brave people risk assassination by Muslims and
Leftists, all because they are filling the vacuum left by
professional academics. Yet instead of getting praise, these
experts have been ignored by our Quisling politicians and
journalists. What these independent authors say comes as
shocking news to those individuals who discover their
books and end up seeing proof that Islam is the opposite of
a religion of peace. Any honest and educated Muslim will
admit that from year one of the Islamic calendar, and in all
the subsequent centuries, Islam has been at war with all that
is not Islam. As we prove below Islamic texts are proud of
the warrior conduct of Mohammed, so any Muslim who
says this is untrue is either ignorant or is a liar.
As Muslims are authorized within Islamic doctrine to lie

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