Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Decoding The Koran

“Let    those   fight   in  the way of  Allah   [Jihadis]   who sell
the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in
the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on
him We shall bestow a vast reward [those who die
imposing Islam get the greatest reward from Allah].”
Koran 4:74

For 1000 years Muslims, like most rational people,
have decided that when faced with contradiction,
instructions which come later should replace instructions
which came earlier. When someone says “stop” and then
subsequently says “go”, rational beings naturally take the
later command as over-riding the earlier command. By
presenting the Koran in reverse chronological order, we can
see that Mohammed’s latest commands to Muslims about
killing would countermand anything else that he said earlier
about peace. Knowing that almost every Koran in existence
has the commands jumbled-up in no particular order,
permits those who would conceal the doctrines and history
of Islamic genocide to make their false claim that Islam is a
religion of peace. We expect that for most people seeing the
Koran in chronological order will be an astonishing
revelation, and the problems we face at the start of the
twenty-first century will suddenly make sense.
From the 1860s onwards scholars of Islam in the West
knew that it was vital that the Koran be understood in

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