Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Devout Muslims Kill, Our Leaders Lie

“whosoever  killeth a   human   being   for other   than
manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as
if he had killed all mankind [...] The only reward of
those who make war upon Allah and His messenger
[Mohammed] and strive after corruption in the land
will be that they will be killed or crucified”
Koran 5:32 - 5:33

It is famously said that a lie could travel half-way
around the world before the truth had even got out of bed.
The momentous horror when Muslims brought down the
World Trade Center, killing 3000 innocent people, was
followed by a lie that rushed around the world: “Islam is a
religion of peace”. This must be the biggest lie in history,
since it turns upside-down the history of the last fourteen-
hundred years, a history which has wrought horrific
violence on the people of Africa, Asia and Europe. The lie
has been used since 9/11 to cover up murder and terror that
is fundamental to Islam. We can put the blame for this lie at
the feet of American President George Bush Jr., who
popularised the lie. After horrific Islamic terrorist murders in
subsequent years, apologists for Islamic violence kept
repeating the lie. As one of the few journalists to break
ranks says: “Never do politicians more loudly proclaim
Islam a ‘religion of peace’ than when bombs are set off in

its name”.^33 But any Muslim who has memorised the Koran

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