Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

immigrants increased like never before. Instead of allowing
the public to learn that this modern terrorism from Muslims
was simply a resumption of the murderous violence from
Muslims which extended for over a thousand years after the
death of Mohammed, the elite lied to the masses, ensuring
that by the time the public does come to grasp the truth of
Islam the problem will be almost impossible to solve. It is
thus urgent that the population of Western democracies
should understand that violence is the true essence of
More than ten years after 9/11 and on the other side of
the Atlantic, the British were a nation in shock when, out of
the blue, a man was beheaded on a sunny afternoon in

London.^70 There had been many other Muslim terrorist plots
in the West in the intervening decade (some of which
succeeded and even more of which were foiled), but there
was something particularly horrendous about this attack: an
off-duty British soldier was murdered and nearly beheaded
in his own country by people born in Britain but who had

converted to Islam.^71 The killers chose to stand over the
dead body courting publicity, demanding a passer-by take a
video statement from the killers. The police arrived and kept
their distance, until twenty minutes later when the armed
police arrived. Then, brandishing a gun, the jihadis rushed
at the armed police, presumably hoping to be shot dead by
the police as “martyrs” for Islam. You might think that in
the decade leading up to this, there would have been some
critique of those politicians and journalists who repeated the
lie that Islam was a religion of peace. But incredibly, the
elite just became increasingly confident of their ability to lie

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