Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

undertake jihad: “To my beloved children, know that to

fight Allah’s enemies is an obligation”.^82 These two
converts to Islam had no racial or national identification
with any supposed “victims” of this randomly chosen
soldier (the killers were neither Iraqis nor Afghans). They
were killing this soldier for ideological reasons, because
they believed that this is what the Koran told them they
must do. As you will see from our chronological Koran,
these Muslims had sound reasons to believe that jihad is an
obligation in Islam. Lee Rigby would have been a
schoolboy when Bush issued The Grand Lie in September
2001, with the schoolboy being told “Islam is a religion of
peace”. Meanwhile his killers would have had it proven to
them by other Muslims that dying for Islam is their only
guaranteed entry to Paradise, and (as believers) the killers
would have taken this to have been a direct recitation of a
command from Allah. Even when the media claimed to
quote “the full text” of the letter one of the killers handed to
a member of the public, the media omitted the long list of
Koran references at the end of the letter, most of which are
commands from the Koran commanding Muslims to kill for

At the meeting where the Deputy PM of Britain
presented his “evidence” that the Koran opposed killing, the
following prominent Muslims were in attendance: Labour
MP Sadiq Khan (who subsequently became the first Muslim
Mayor of London), Conservative peer Lord Tariq Ahmad,

former officer of the British Army Afzal Amin,^84 and
Islamic scholar Sheikh Shams ad-Duha Muhammad of

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