Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Nazism is a doctrine of peace”. Would we not rightfully
suspect these leaders, these pillars of the establishment?
Following the Muslim terrorist attack on British
holidaymakers in Tunisia a few years after the beheading
of this soldier, Britain’s Conservative Prime Minister
David Cameron, once again declared that Islam was a

religion of peace.^85 Some months later came the horrific
terrorist attack in Paris at the end of 2015. This was one of
the worst terrorist attacks in Europe’s modern history, where
Muslim “refugees” working for the new Islamic State
butchered the audience at a rock concert, gunned-down
people drinking at a bar, and attempted to set off a suicide
bomb inside a packed football stadium (at which game the
French President Hollande was in attendance). The enormity
of this attack in Paris finally seemed to shake the British
Prime Minister, leading to him stating: “it is not good
enough to say simply that Islam is a religion of peace and
then to deny any connection between the religion of Islam

and the extremists”.^86 But even then he still managed to
make an indirect claim that Islam is “a religion of peace”!
No matter how horrific the acts of terrorism by the followers
of Islam, the lie that “Islam is a religion of peace” has been
exploited again and again by world leaders. They could do
this because virtually no member of the establishment ever
offered even a whisper of criticism about the blatant
contradiction between The Grand Lie and the tens of
thousands of acts of terrorist violence by Muslims across the

globe since 2001.^87
Between 9/11 and these other landmark terrorist

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